28 January, 2010

ALIEN : She Walk Away

Post yg ini dikelaskan dalam 21 tahun ke atas,
Post yang tidak sesuai di baca oleh mereka yg jiwa tengah bercelaru dan berserabut..

27hb January 2010.
Morning, 11.00am. Not so early in the morning. Almost reach the lunch time.
After several minutes talking inside meeting room.

She just pack up all her things up.
Insert all her belongings inside the box.
Stationary, book.. etc. Her things.

The board had decided to let her go.

She just grin and look happy.
As I thought she woud act like that.
Deep down;
Happy; taken out forced from worse place..
Sad; not properly been tell by board, feel betrayed.

Her place would be replaced by someone next monday.
Do not know how long the new comer would stand to work here.
Me myself just wait for the right moment to pull myself out from this place.

We accompany her to her car.
Good bye and hope she will get better offer soon. For me too, hope will find better place.
Need a room to breathe.

"We take care of our staff here"
"If this....just this..."
"You just this.... and this..."

Janji yang tidak dikotai.
Hanya manis di bibir.

He simply love to talk and do nothing.
Just remind myself, been betrayed by company owner.
Urgh !!!

Even I`m not report to him directly, also can feel his aura... Gilak ah.
Simply get mad for small things that can be solve.
Always shout and shout for the small and small things.. silly.

Another problem from other person.
Aku tak tahu apa masalah die.. tak bole ke die pun sama-sama mencari sesuatu maklumat?
Sedangkan bos berdua yg aku report pun sama-sama cari dan berkongsi untuk satu-satu perkara..
Aku tahu aku masih hijau, tapi tu la..

Tengah tekun setelkan kerja dia walau tu bukan skop kerje aku.
Buat... buat...
Then, he came ask something. Look for this and this.
Sometime, when I was buzy settling material for project. For presentation. Urgent things la kan..
He come dan tanye.. "Bizi ke"
Aku jawab dalam hati.. "Tengah lepak..." kakakaka

Pastu dengan selamba die bagi nota kat aku.
Die cakap.
"Tolong cari ni kalau dah tak bizi"
Dalam aku berusaha nak fokus die menganggu fokus itu. Cait!!!

Kalau tangan aku lapan, kepala dua.. bole je penuhi kehendak die..

Pastu die blah telefon sapa tah. Paling kurang pun borak ngn rakan sebelah meja dia yang tengah buat kerja atau bace buku berkaitan duties die.. erk!!! buku duties, tapi... erkk!!
Hohohoh... baik punya perangai.

Tak sampai 5 minit, datang balik. Padahal masa tu kadang-kadang aku tengah serabut buat kerje lain yg ugent..
Dengan selamba die cakap.
"Dah jumpe ke?"
Begitu la berulang-ulang sampai aku cam annoying ngn sikap die.
"Nak cepat carik sendiri la weh !!!" bentak aku dalam hati.
Die ni xtau ke, nak dapatkan harga sesuatu barang tu kalau sales person untuk barang tu tak de susah.
Ambik masa la. 

Tu bole tahan lagi la.
Details die bagi tak complete utk satu-satu item tu.
Aku bukan seorang yang berlatar belakang teknikal dan mesin-mesin ni la encik. Tolong la bagi details yg complete. Selalu tak complete, dan aku kene la pusing-pusing ayat dengan sales person tu.
That make me feel lazy to ask for quotation la encik...

Pusing jiwa raga serta otak aku kalau setelkan kerje die ni.
Ade je kene buat amendment. Pastu jadi pending.. delay..

"Hoi !!! mana PC ko ke laptop?"
Nak je aku jerit kat die. Dah keje 2 bulan tapi tak penah tanye bos die punya PC. Ni la perkara kecil yg membawa kepada kesusahan yg hebat kepada aku. Die takde PC mahupun Laptop untuk buat kerje. Die cuma ada pen, kertas dan fail. Kenapa die tak mintak kat Bos Besar, padahal die mmg kene ada PC utk melaksanakan tugas-tugas die. Dia kan ada kuasa dalam opis, pergi la mintak. Tak kan aku yg kene mintakkan, sapa la aku ni.

Dah nak akhir bulan ni, kerja yang berkaitan die masih pending dan delay.
Reason, insufficient data. Need to reconfirm the data. The Question, how fast can he get it for me?

Jadi sila dapat dan pastikan data secepat mungkin. If staff at plant unsatisfied or demotivated.. he is the one to blame. Not me..
Drg pun manusia gak, ade keluarga nak disara. Ada mulut nak diberi makan. Ada kenderaan nak diisi minyak. Ada bil nak kene setel.
Sabtu pulak Thaipusam. So, kalau yg berbangsa india tu maybe nak pakai duit untuk sambut Thaipusam. Pikir la sikit oi... Kita tengok camne esok..

Ah... ah.. ah...
Na pergi tengok alam la.
Nak tengok langit..
Tengok awan..
Urgh !!!

1 comment:

faezah said...

oo ni la geng2 gelap yg dikatakannn