27 February, 2009

Friday Thought III

Assalamualaikum for muslim..
And Have A Nice Day for non-muslim..
In this Friday Thought edition.. I would like to share something with my friends.
We encourage to share knowledge even little if it will give benefit to others.

Know our weakness

"Hendak tahu kebaikan org,
tanyakan kepada kawannya..
Hendak tahu keburukan org,
tanyakan kepada musuhnya.."

To know our flaw and weakness, we should find a real friend that will advise us if we do something wrong. The friend that will help us and lead to right path. Friend that always prove we right, and always praise us not really a real friend.

"True friend is the person who says something from his/her heart to you for your sake, not the one who always says you are right and prove what you do"

The truth sometime bitter to swallow, so before we force to swallow something bitter. Better for us to look into ourselves. Fix which is wrong. Change our attitude. Get rid all of bad habits from us as the prevention to avoid us to swallow that bitter truth.

Wiseman says, everything in this world is useful. Even our enemy. This because, our enemy know our weakness and flaw and tend to tell other people our weakness. The reason, to persuade and influence other people to believe what he/her says. To let us down and finally defeat us. Victory for them and lose for us. Because of this reason, we must hear what our enemy says to improve ourselves. We must take their word as someting beneficial or as advises in order to improve us to be much better person. Actually, their bad word is advantage for us if we know how to manipulate it.

(Syair Arab)
"Musuh-musuhku itu ada baiknya kepadaku, dan ada pula pemberiannya yang baik tidak bernilai olehku.
Sebab itu, moga Tuhan Yang Rahman tidak menjauhkan daku dari musuh-musuhku.
Mereka korek-korek kesalahanku, lantaran itu aku dapat menyingkirkan diri dari kesalahan.
Mereka berlumba-lumba dengan aku, sebab itu aku dapat mencari kemuliaan dan ketinggian"

From the Arabic poem,
We realize that, the enemy is beneficial to us.
We could know our flaw and weakness through our enemy.
We could fix ourselves through what we heard from our enemy.
We could achieve victory also through our enemy.

Good Guy vs Bad Guy
Police vs Bandit
Human vs Devil
Sincere Heart vs Evil Heart

Live is full of secret.
Need for us to use brain, for thinking and find out.
We could see and gain benefit if we observe and think carefully.
Every existence is useful from the smallest to largest.
Just think..
Maha Suci Allah..


Anonymous said...

tazkirah yg bagus di hari jumaat

BabyJane[The Juliet] said...

bguslah entry ni

DH said...

salam....good input for today...thanks :)

Iliana said...

is that you mr.alien? awesome entry. entri ni betul-betu memberi semangat buat saya yang sedang kesesakan nafas dengan sikap rakan.

hanya kepada Dia saya memohon agar segalanya diperjelas dan dipermudah. saya, sesungguhnya, seakan-akan letih dan semakin kehilangan daya kesabaran diri. dan saya, akan berusaha untuk mengekalkan kesabaran itu.

terima kasih banyak untuk entri ini. tiba-tiba terasa sedih dan sangat letih. letih sekali~

alien said...

PJ Selamba, Babyjane[The Juliet], HuRuL_Aini, e-leeyana;

actually, this taken from really nice book.. buku yg mengajar kita erti hidup,erti bahagia.. tulisan Prof. Dr HAMKA..bertajuk "Tasauf Moden"..

just summarize a little from what he had write..
sbgai motivasi dan pemangkin semangat rakan2..

Yang Benar, Kakak Perkara Rawak said...

Live is full of secret.

secret ade sorang aje.
aku la tuu..

tp aku ttp insaf baca ini.
tq :)

alien said...

ye mmg ko sorang jer..
aku pun insaf sambil menaip mende nie