Laying at the couch. Doing nothing; watching television.
Phone on the small table, silently sitting there; doing nothing also. No message or called incoming.
Accompany with bau teh jenama Masjid. The scent very pleasant.
Helping body and mind for resting.
But, the hot tea become cold fast. Thanks to the ceiling fan.
You have done a good job for ease the bau.
(Voice come from dummy box)
Look there !!
A small child which stand beside her mother shouted loudly.
Crowd see at the direction where she pointed her finger.
It's Spiderman !!
Crowd cheer for it.
alarm from Yahoo Messenger.
It's sad when the phone on the table not a smart phone which have internet access. So, the Yahoo Messenger pop out and sitting there till dawn at desktop alone; as he laying there at the couch doing nothing.
... and fall asleep soon.
kena tuko la jadi smart phone
Ada masalah depresi atau sunyi?
belum masanya kot..
Ateeka Amer:
lebih kepada miskomunikasi atau kebebasan bercakap terhalang oleh sesuatu
ko jerit. lepaskan sikit. lepas tu bebel seorang diri.
tido jer lah lagi baik.. huhuhu..
i dun understand =__="
Lelaki minimalis
bila baca entri ni teringat..poem BABA AND NYONYA..
gua pon takda smartfon...gua pakai dumbfon aja..tapi still boleh set alarm..:P
Daddy Ziyyad:
gua pakai soni erikseng muzik edisi pertama.. da karat2 dah
fadh leyanie:
ada iras2 gak ke
tang mana tu
aku ke kau yg minimalis?
*garu kepala
tade mende..
ni karangan jiwa konpius
Faeein Talip Roy:
ye mem,
saya tido
berkesankah teknik tu?
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