This doesn't mean I have cancel it..
I will step my feet there.. For sure not this weekend..
So, tomorrow maybe I`ll go to Youth 09' even at PWTC..
Just want to check how the event goes, the activities, job fair.. Just look and see..
At least, I got something to do as the subs for the early plan..
So, have a good weekend.
nanti jangan lupa buat satu entri pasal youth09 itu ya?
da cam koje wartawan plak..
after go to youth 09 do tell me the event at there and take the photos for us !! cause i cant go there !!
I said maybe.. that mean not sure i`ll go or not..
Neway.. wait n c la..
saye pun nk g esok... tp sleps tgk konvo di um...
esok UM konvo..
I see..
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