15 January, 2009

Job.. Where are you !!!

Need to find a job. Yes, I`m jobless.. not truly jobless since me and my friend, both decided to survive in our own by doing own business. We both graduated from UiTM, hold the Degree in International Business. The business we trying to build is in agriculture sector.

But, since the financial constraint we experience.. after the discussion been made. The answer, we need to find a job as to strengthen our financial to running our business.

Find a job, need to prepare resume.. look for suitable job; I did not care what kind of job is.. anything also can.. attend the interview.. waiting the answer.

Am I possibly could be hired? Donald Trump.. please hire me.. huhuhu..
With our economic situation.. many people been sacked and terminate due the company want to downsizing.. can I get one? Doubt..


Wish me to get a job as soon as possible..


Meooo Comicore Club said...

kalau sudah masuk bisnes. truskan. jgn terperangkap masuk dlm dunia pekerjaan. try cari site income bisnes. jual hpa ke, kereta ke, property, makan duit komisen byk2....

nanti dah masuk keje makan gaji susah nk kelua...

FioreAKINA said...

errr... dah de bisnes dah de pengalaman nape x teruskan.. byk bisnes yg de.. ermmm pe2 pun apple ucapkan selamat berjaya dan berusaha k.. doa byk2.. pasti dapat pintu rezeki limpah ruah..

p/s: tapi kalau de kerja tetap.. pastu wat loan.. pastu bukak kedai.. huhuhu.. ok gak kan..

alien said...

meo188; ya, sudah pikir semua effek yg akan terjadi..yg mane elok dan boleh kasi kuatkan finance akan disambar.. hehehe

apple; camtue r cadangnye.. income akan disalurkan sedikit demi sedikit bagi membiayai bisness.. kira bekap la org kate

Anonymous said...

salam kapten..

sabar je lah kapten, insyaAllah ada rezeki ko tu tp as long ko dah run bisnes ko tu aku rasa better ko teruskan..klu ko rasa nk cari kerja lain utk inject capital kat biz ko mmg bagus tp bg aku tu akan mkn masa yg agak pjg n mungkin ada kesan pada diri ko n biz ko..bila dh pegang duit tiap2 bulan takit nnt fokus tu dh hilang..

aku rasa ko blh try cuba dptkan loan dari MECD melalui INSKEN dlm skim siswazah..ko kena attend course 1 week n kena byr rm 250..

chances nk dpt kan loan tggi..tinggal ko kena prepare biz plan ko...

k kapten...doa bebyk k..


Johnny Ong said...

sign up at online recruitment agencies for faster response

Iliana said...

best x IB uitm? dlu sy dpt ofer ctu gak..kt Shah Alam. tp, blh nk pilih UUM plk kn..sbb ske Marketing..

alien said...

mhs; thnks for the advice.. risiko gak pinjaman nie, lg pressure nak bayo aklo xde bekap.. susah gak

johnny ong; orait..tq

e-leeyana; IB UiTM rawks.. batch ktrg paling heppening cam family.. hehe.. UUM jauh tue..

Iliana said...

huhu..ye ke? nsb sy x kesane..klu x, sy pn jd minah rocks la ye..hehe..xde la gurau je..sje je nk jln jauh2..nth ape mimpi nth..jauh pjlnn luas pmndgn hehe..hentam je la..

alien said...

jauh perjalanan.. penat la.. hehehe