17 September, 2010

alien: raya journey

Enough for today
Journey from Sijangkangville to Seremban to Nilai to Salak Tinggi and back to Sijangkangville
It tooks almost 12 hours to complete the journey

Enough for today

Ready for other day; Work and work

Been received wedding invitation from 3 difference friend on the same date
Although at the same state
But its quite distance to attend the three difference location on the same day
Wish for them; All the best
And Happy Wedding Day !!!


gadisBunga™ said...

sijangkang banyak tanah murah-murah kan? selamat hari raya. :)

alien said...

tak jugak
nowdays, price for real estate keep increasing
lagi2 dlm sijangkang da ada taman perumahan.. kat sempadan sijangkang saja dah ada projek utk kemajuan..

tanah bakar ye murah~

selamat hari raya