03 December, 2009

ALIEN berceloteh : 2012; Between Realiti and Fantasy

Its a Rainbow~
Nice rainbow say Hi to all Klang People today. Actually not say Hi, maybe the rainbow say Bye to the sun and say Hello to the moon. But, rainbow could see and talk with the moon since they from different world. Moon also could not appreciate the beauty of the rainbow while the rainbow show itself during the day.. Nice Day~

2012; Between Realiti and Fantasy.
Huish.. Antara realiti dan fantasy, cam lagu Crossfire kan. Nak dgr lagu die camne ke?
You all just Youtube kan aje.. Rock Kapak. Best2..
Let kupas, bukak, dedahkan perkara yg berkait ngn 2012 ni.. sebb drg cakap 2012 this world would end.

2012 film, what we gain from watching that film. Tanye pengkaji filem ah.. hehehe.
There is something that we could get from that film. A good one if we observe it carefully, interpret it and look from the different view rather than the story itself. Wah, cam susah je kan nak paham.. Kehkehkeh
Kaum Mayan.. Kaum ni ade lagi ker? Bukan spesis kaum Maya Karin tau..

Last week I watch Astro; Discovery Channel. They said that this tribe dah x exist lagi kat dunia nie. Since drg dah x jumpe jejak yg ditinggalkan oleh kaum nie. This Mayan well known for their astrological analysis. They use traditional method to analyst space. Predict what would happen based on star that exist in our solar system. Seem that, they all lagi pandai dari Einstein ke? hohoho... Einstein belajar alkimi dah tentu lain aliran xleh nak buat perbandingan.

Mayan predict on 21 Dec 2012, this world would end. Based on the calender that they form. Why they choose 21.12.2012? Nobody knows.. Maybe drg tak sempat nak buat kelendar baru kan. Heh. Silly. Everyone with astrological knowledge seem bimbang kerana kaum Mayan ni terkenal dgn ketepatan drg dalam ilmu astrologi. Drg lagi advance dari modern technology yg diguna pada masakini. So, masing2 dah risau di mana skang banjir berlaku, kebuluran, kepanasan global.. risau, risau.. Hari Jumaat tue..

Sapa kenal mamat nie? Die ni lelaki.. lelaki cam Remy Ishak tu, cam Rosyam Nor.. Bukan perempuan cam Lisa Surihani atau Liyana Jasmay tau. Tahukan beza nye... Hohoho
Kalau nak kenal lebih lanjut google kan aje...
Okeh, back to the topic.
This guy well knwn with his prediction. This famous one is the falling of World Trade Centre.
Die ni pun suke meramal2 bile end of the world.
Ada cakap2, ramalan die ni dah berlaku baru di fahami since die tulis ramalan die dalam bentuk sastera kan.
Entahlah, dalam Islam ni berdosa meramal2 nie. So, boleh la dgr dan ambik iktibar.. nak percaya tu.. Hanya Tuhan je Maha Kuasa. Who are we to campare with Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.

Islam teach that, the day will come.. Everyone will experience death. Sesungguhnya kematian adalah pasti kan. Tak boleh elak. Dalam Quran ade tercatat, even Nabi pun pernah memberitahu tanda2 kiamat akan berlaku. As a muslim, we should be ready anytime je kan.. Insya`Allah, Kesudahan yang baik adalah untuk mereka yg bertaqwa..

Tapi jangan r melepak aje tunggu mati.. Kene r kerja ibarat kita akan hidup seribu tahun lagi dan beramal ibarat kita akan mati esok hari. Bersungguh2 la.. Islam tak menyuruh umatnye mengabaikan dunia dan mengutamakan akhirat je. It should be balance.. Kerja pun satu ibadah..

Lesson from 2012:
- This world would come to end. Cam org cakap, dah nak expired.
- If the world end, nobody would never ever safe. All gone. Even bina r kapal canggih mana.. hehehe
Cukup r due, lain2 tu pikir r sendiri.. Karang korang jadi malas. Hehehehe

2012... maybe the mat salleh afraid of 13th kot. That why they come out with the story of 2012.. kihkih..
2013.. 2013.. Hohohoho..


Sembrol said...

Member aku plan nak nikah 20/12/2012 ha ha. kalu tak kiamat sempat la nikah.

alien said...

insya`allah sempat bro..
cam lawak je ko ni